Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hi gals

Here is a spot just for us and it will be private for only those we choose.


Nancy said...

cool shelly! thanks for setting this up.

3 more inches of snow last nite. now blustery winds. ugh.

good weekend!


Steph said...

This is great Shelly! A great idea.

shelly said...

Hi girls
I hope this gives a place that is safe and "out of site" so we can continue to keep our "special" group alive and well. The nice thing about is that the originator has total control over the site. So, this site is NOT posted on the www, and, I do not allow anonymous comments. Also, if I want to "hide" someone from commenting...I can! So, check it out, and if we ever need to leave amazon, we can at least try this.

Sorry about the bad weather Nancy, I have heard that there is better weather coming! We had 57 here in Kansas today, and beautiful blue skies now for 3 days in a row!! Maybe up to 65 tomorrow....WOW!!!

Have a great day everyone!!